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If the 8 year old you could see you now, would you be a good role model?

Most probably not... but its not all that bad!

Ask me something you fool!!!

Do you miss anyone right now?

Yes My Granma :/

Ask me something you fool!!!

HI :) vodka or chips?

Chips :D

Ask me something you fool!!!

hi do you have new year resolution?

nope because rules are there to be broken!

Ask me something you fool!!!

BP Spills Coffee

The Bp oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico put into office terms with coffee, very funny comedy sketch!

What is this:

It looks like a bug... a very colourful bug indeed!

Ask me something you fool!!!

Would you rather be in a fight with 10 duck sized horses or 1 horse sized duck?

I think i would have to go with the 10 duck sized horses! At least that way you can just kick them and they will just go flying. ha

Ask me something you fool!!!

Any regrets?

This, to be honest, is quite a silly question. Everyone in life has things that they regret doing. No one when they are 60/70 will say they were happy with every choice they made or everything they did.

Some people may say things happen for a reason and blame it on karma and stuff but thats just bullshit, so in short yes i do have a few but i am not going to blog about them to someone i don't know :)

Ask me something you fool!!!

The top 10 worst gifts to receive from someone

Everyone gives crap gifts and everyone certainly receives them. We have to act like it’s a surprise or that you think it is the best thing in the world and you just don’t understand how you were living life without it before.

It was whilst I was watching a very boring film called “Open Waters” where they were under water and on the divers they had a camera. I said “I have one of those, got given it as a crap gift...” It was at that the point the person I was with just laughed at what such a pathetic gift it was, behold the topic of today.

I’m going to start with No. 10 first and work my way down to No.1

No.10 – This one comes from a very trusted steed of mine, Mr Tom Wing. He say’s

“the first one I can think of is a Robbie Williams biography I got from my stepsister - who loves Robbie Williams! Thanks very much.... idiot.”

The present they bought you, because they like them excuse. Really it is just a way to buy yourself something under the cover of its a gift and then a week later ask if they can borrow it, and NEVER RETURN IT!

No.9 – The same gift you gave to one of your mates, 3months ago on his birthday. Nothing like a kick in the teeth more than having a gift you gave to someone else, given back to you. What makes things worse it still has the price tag and seal on that you forgot to take off the first time round.

No.8 – People buying you clothes thinking they look “Fucking awesome” when in fact you just want to shoot them down and tell them that their taste in clothes is whack. With clothes though, if you don’t wear it at least once they will get a bit grouchy about it, especially if it’s your Gran and she bought matching dressing gowns for the both of you...

No.7 – Smellies! You know the ones I mean, you get them at Christmas mostly. Has some shower gel in, shampoo and deodorant. What’s up with that? It’s just a subtle way of saying take a bath, you smell bad!

No.6 – Gifts for the house. This one is normal of a female to do to their husband. They will go out and buy something like a toaster or kettle and give it to you as a gift. At the end of the day, that is not a gift, it’s more for the house than you. There is nothing special or thoughtful about it at all.

No.5 – The clearly not thought of gifts really frustrate me. You know they just went into the shops and picked up the first thing that cost less than a fiver to buy. For example a car cleaning set when you don’t have a car or even plan to have one in the near future. Or someone buys a cookery for beginners guide and gives it to a professional chef. It’s just stupid.

No.4 – This kind of ties in with the clothes thing but I hate slippers. I don’t understand why you would give slippers. Surely people would rather buy it themselves, rather than the monstrous one your friend got you.

No.3 – I found this one on the internet.

“It was Christmas when our class planned to have an exchange gift but... everyone must have his/her identity hidden and we have our codenames. My codename was "The Chosen One". I requested for a Final Fantasy Action figure in the wish list. A week later, I received a Barbie Doll ... from someone codenamed 'Joker'”

How gutted would you be in that situation? But you would have to laugh and find it funny.

No2. – When someone gives you a gift and you get all embarrassed about it and don’t know what to do. Such as (this one only counts for females though) your mother buying you a didlo and coming out with something like “I always said I would buy my daughters a dildo when they are old enough” Tragic

No.1 The worst has to be getting nothing. You get all excited about it being your birthday, but yet there is no card or badge to show it. How much of a loser do you have to be, to not get anything at all, not even a happy birthday text?

Out of all this though there is one present that I think is just great, and that is socks. Its practical and you always need them because socks have a magical power which means they can go walkies by themselves and never return.

If you fancy telling people your worst gifts with a story, leave them in a comment :D

Who would win in a fight between a chimpanzee and a pensioner?

well, it will all depend on different factors! Like will the pensioner have a walking stick and turn into yoda upon attack and kick shit into the chimp. Or will the chimp have an endless supply of bannanas and turn into mario kart and start throwing them everywhere? I would hope the chimp wins as it will be rather i think, could you imagine the news report on the tv haha!

Ask me something you fool!!!