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Some coooool videos!

I know I haven't wrote a proper blog since the whole Twilight thing so today, on Easter Monday bored and avoiding uni work I shall write one.

This one is just going to be a selection of things I have found on the internet that have really made me laugh.

Now this guy Remi Gaillard is some French dude who does a load of skits about his home country and I found this one particularly funny. He has a few other different ones such as becoming Mario and playing Mario Kart on the streets and how to get a McDonald's meal for free at a drive-through but this just beats them all.

Now everyone knows Mario's job is a difficult one and now he has just had enough of it. Seth MacFarlane, creator of Family guy, has done a collection of short YouTube videos and I think this one is the best and the big old dragon finally gets his way with the princess.

This video is not funny but it is very cool indeed, just some short animation about a super strong stick figure.

That is it for now but I have some thing new that I have thought about whilst doing this one so i will be doing that in the coming days I hope

If you wish, follow me on twitter or you can ask me a question on formspring and I will answer it and post it to my blog, but make sure it is a good question though ah?