The Digital Economy Bill is what the Government have proposed to help big corporate companies with the fight against copyright infringement and illegal downloading amongst other things.
The thing is though the government has rushed it through the House Of Commons in a "wash up" with complete disregard to the concerns that have been raised by the public and have even ignored some major concerns that ISP (Internet Service Providers) such as Virgin Media have raised, which is just absurd.
For the third reading of the bill, MP's were in the House Of Commons for just 2hours and within these two hours, just one clause was discussed for an hour whilst they just read through the rest of them without as much as a peep out of anyone there.
In the bill were such things like ISP's being able to block certain sites that could be infringing the new laws such as YouTube and even Google, but thankfully this clause has now been dropped.
These new laws will affect ever thing, from how much input Ofcom has and how channel 4 should run its network and even radio and video games will have to follow some of the bizarre things. The government are just wanting to control what we see and hear in what is now "BIG BROTHER" attitude.
Even the tough laws about illegal downloads are pretty dam ridiculous because people who are downloading music illegally are the people that are most likely to buy it, believe it or not so when they bring in the new laws, the music industry will be hit a little more than people think.
All in all, the public have been ignored by their local MP's and people are not happy about how much of a say the government will now have in what they do online and will have to constantly be on guard about using copyright without even realising it.
To be safe this blog is copyrighted to ME HAHA!!! Mitts off Hasslehoff! Enjoy the sun whilst it is here :D and leave a comment too if you like...
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